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  • Pressure Reducing & Desuperheating (PRDS) Station sugar factory Bhilai Chhattisgarh

Product: Pressure Reducing & Desuperheating (PRDS) Station

Company: IndiTech Valves Pvt. Ltd.

Price: On Request

Most modern boilers generate steam at high pressures & temperatures. High pressure steam has lesser volume than steam at atmospheric pressure, thereby translating into smaller boiler size & lower diameter of steam piping. Also, high temperature (superheated) steam has more energy, which translates into higher efficiency for power generating steam turbines. On the other hand, all process industries use low pressure low temperature saturated steam, primarily due to the following reasons: Saturated steam has the highest heat transfer efficiency. Lower pressures & temperatures translate into thinner pipes, lighter flanges & less expensive materials thereby significantly reducing initial plant cost. In any industry, steam is required at different locations, but the required steam pressure & temperature at each location varies according to the application. Therefore, high pressure superheated steam is generated at a central location (boiler), distributed to various locations in the plant through a steam piping network, and then reduced to the operating pressure & temperature just upstream of the usage points. IndiTech PRDS station is a modular steam conditioning unit to reduce the steam pressure & temperature at the point of usage, and it can be directly installed into your existing steam network. Some applications of PRDS stations are enumerated below: PRDS for process heating / cooling applications in sugar, food, textile, paper etc. plants Deaerator, Ejector PRDS for boiler Turbine bypass PRDS

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